Back Pain Therapy
There are many people in this world who are are suffering from back pain.
There are different ways of categorizing back pain.
Whether its recent back pain, or a long term and persistent back pain, if you have suffered from back pain before you would know how much it can interfere with
-Being able to participate with fun activities with family and friends
-Achieving business goals
-Achieving career goals
-Being able to enjoy participating in sport and leisure activities
Other reported issues/challenges by people who are suffering with back pain include mood swings, lack of motivation, or even not enjoying having intimate time with their partner.
Are you suffering with back pain?
If so, what challenges are you facing due to suffering from back pain?
How is your business affected by you or your workforce suffering from back pain?
There are numerous possible causes of pain;
-Postural issues
-Physical impact - eg. falls, accidents
-Injuries in other parts of the body, causing dysfunction of some muscles and joints, and in turn causing body misalignment.
Treatment of back pain
If though usually the long term (chronic) back pain can cause more complications and be more challenging to treat, and debilitating, recent back pain can also be very disruptive to daily life.
At Have A PainFree Body, our achievement of successful results in treating back pain is down to several factors, including;
-Holistic approach - treating issues in the whole body not just the area of pain
-The soft tissue techniques used
-The information gathered during consultation could play an important role in understanding what the body has gone through
-The knowledge of when to use which techniques during the treatment phase of the rehabilitation.
NB: There is no use of surgery, no use of medication, no use of injections.